It is the Ignition of one small eager fire
With just one match, one flicker, and one wick
There is an explosive moment where the kindling is devoured quick
And all that remains, staring back at you is the solitary spark
The modest flame begins to breathe and overtake the immense dark
Casting a glint and glow of vitality on the walls of your soul
Once given oxygen it will take complete control
And in your eyes there is a burning…
In your chest there is a beating…
there is a deep begging within
It’s asking…It’s pleading…And praying for you to give in
This Desire, this feeling of fire
Charging you
Challenging you
Creating an evocation of pure sin
It becomes seemingly impossible to douse that one flame
Instead the fire lives,
rising and raising it's calling out your name
Producing passion, pushing and possessing all in its path
Provoking sensations with a SUFFOCATING WRATH
The heat is rising higher and higher
Scorching...Seducing… And screaming words filled with intoxicating fumes
Waiting for the expression of its heat
as it holds you under its flickering spell that consumes
Gripping your every being like bare flesh to barbed wire
Until you are dripping in its existence
Hot baby....